

圣安东尼奥学院’s new mascot jumps into campus life


After being underground for a long time, a new face is emerging on campus this fall. 这是犰狳艾斯, the new mascot of 圣安东尼奥学院!

You might say that 王牌 clawed its way to the top. The armadillo recently surfaced on campus after its burrow was accidentally covered up around 50 years ago during the construction of the 弗莱彻行政大楼. Recent renovations to the building opened an entrance to its underground labyrinth of tunnels, bringing 王牌 to the surface and ending decades of dormancy.

别被它的盔甲骗了. Behind its tough exterior, 王牌 is quite a softie. Though it may appear to be a little shy at first, 王牌 is actually a fun-loving ball of energy with a competitive streak. 王牌 plans to roll with the new gig as a mascot and is excited to help make new traditions at 圣安东尼奥学院. 

王牌 has enthusiastically jumped into studies in SAC’s architecture program. The armadillo plans to learn how to build a sophisticated network of underground burrows under the campus so it doesn’t get trapped again.

When not foraging for delicious bugs and avoiding vehicular traffic, 王牌 enjoys keeping up with 圣安东尼奥 sports, including Spurs basketball and Missions/Flying Chanclas baseball. Other passions include astronomy, 网络安全, 动漫, and 拳击. 艾斯喜欢摇滚音乐, 但他不喜欢乱扔垃圾, 大蒜, 还有不打转向灯的人.

Returning to college after a decades-long interruption in its education, 王牌 is favorably impressed with the many ways SAC provides support to non-traditional students. 王牌 is especially honored that the second-floor break area inside the 弗莱彻行政大楼 will be renamed The Burrow Cafe in its honor. 埃斯希望能在那里尽情享受自己喜欢的食物, 包括披萨卷, 春卷, 肉桂卷, 水果卷帘窗 and anything rolled inside a tortilla.

Though the armadillo is easily startled and may leap into the air or roll into a ball if you sneak up on it, 王牌 is positively buoyant about being the new symbol of 圣安东尼奥学院.

“I really dig 圣安东尼奥学院 and can’t wait to explore this side of campus!埃斯说. “让美好时光滚滚而来!”




名称: 王牌

生日: 3月8日

出生地: 弗莱彻行政大楼

星座: 双鱼座

研究领域: 目前正在使用架构

特征: Confident, outgoing, ball of energy, intelligent, funny/witty, fun-loving, and competitive

口头禅: Tough on the outside; soft on the inside

犰狳物种: 西班牙语,意思是"小盔甲"


颜色: 囊红

季节: Any season that's bearable to stroll through San Pedro Springs Park

音乐: 摇滚

食物: 披萨卷, 春卷, 肉桂卷, 水果卷帘窗, 蛋卷, 还有任何卷在玉米饼里的东西

书: Charlotte’s Web, The 历史 of Texas, The Great Gatsby, The Hobbit, and The Notebook

体育团队: 马刺队和任务队

报价/用语: "Let the good times roll," "Just roll with it," and "That's how we roll."

爱好: 天文学, 任何有骰子的东西, 空气曲棍球, 网络安全, 睡觉, 动漫, 油管, 口袋妖怪, 拳击, 和篮球

不喜欢: Littering, coyotes, wolves, bears, raccoons, 大蒜, 还有不打转向灯的人



如果你所在的部门, 委员会, or organization would like an appearance of 王牌 the Armadillo mascot at your next event, 请填写申请表 http://bit.ly/SAC_AceRequest.

Please note, the deadline to submit your request is 3 weeks prior to your event.

For further information, please email Domingo Figueroa in the Office of Student Life at dfigueroa22@volamdolong.com


王牌, SAC犰狳吉祥物, 代表全体学生, and ALL students are eligible to try out to be a mascot.

If you are interested, please contact the Office of Student Life at sac-studlife@volamdolong.com.